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5 unknown and underevaluated AI image creation tools

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we create and manipulate images. You probably already know some famous tools like DALL-E, Midjourney or Bing image creator. But actually there are much more. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to five AI image creation tools that you might not have heard of before. These tools use machine learning algorithms to generate unique and interesting images that you can use for a variety of purposes.

  1. Artbreeder: Artbreeder is a collaborative tool for creating images with multiple tools, powered by AI. It uses machine learning algorithms to generate and modify images of faces, landscapes, paintings, among other categories. You can create unique images by combining and evolving existing images, tune images, pattern images, create collages and much more. The tool enables you to create realistic and imaginative artwork, be it portraits, landscapes, or abstract forms. It can generate captivating images based on your inputs and preferences. You can as well upload your images, which the model will attempt to convert into the latent space of the network. Artbreeder has been used to create portraits of characters from popular novels such as Harry Potter and Twilight. It has also been used to add realistic features to ancient portraits. The artwork generated by users of the website has been described as “beautiful” and “surreal,” drawing comparisons to “weird, incomprehensible dreams” that “somehow touch the deep, unconscious parts of mind”.

  2. GANBreeder: GANBreeder is an AI-powered image generator that uses generative adversarial networks (GANs) to create unique and creative images. GANs are a type of AI that use two neural networks to generate new images. The first network, the generator, creates images from scratch, while the second network, the discriminator, evaluates the images and provides feedback to the generator. GANBreeder allows you to combine and evolve images in real-time, and you can adjust various parameters to control the output. You can also use it to create animations by interpolating between a sequence of images. The tool is inspired by Picbreeder and Facebook Graffiti. GANBreeder is a collaborative art tool for discovering images using BigGAN. Using the web app, you can mix or “breed” neural networks with each other into evocative, otherworldly imagery. The results can then become physical art.

  3. Deep Dream Generator: Deep Dream Generator is an AI-powered image generator that uses convolutional neural networks to create unique and creative images. It allows you to upload your own images and apply various filters to create unique and interesting visuals. The tool uses a neural network to create trippy, surreal images. You can adjust the strength of the filters to create different effects. The tool is inspired by Google’s DeepDream program, which uses a similar technique to create dream-like images. Deep Dream Generator has been used to create a wide range of images, from abstract art to realistic landscapes. It is a great tool for artists, designers, and anyone who wants to create unique and interesting images.

  4. RunwayML: RunwayML is a machine learning platform that allows you to create and train your own models. It has a variety of pre-trained models that you can use to generate images, and you can also create your own models using a simple drag-and-drop interface. The company is primarily focused on creating products and models for generating videos, images, and various multimedia content. RunwayML has been used to create a wide range of images, from abstract art to realistic landscapes. It is a great tool for artists, designers, and anyone who wants to create unique and interesting images. You can learn more about RunwayML by visiting their website.

  5. Artomatix: Artomatix is an AI-powered texturing tool designed for texture, character and environment artists. It automates the most time-consuming, mundane jobs that artists are currently doing manually with other tools. The tool is designed to resemble the tried and trusted tools that artists are already familiar with, such as Photoshop, Substance Suite, and 3D Studio Max. Under the surface, it contains the world’s most advanced Creative Artificial Intelligence capable of taking the least valuable but time-consuming work from an artist’s plate without them having to compromise on quality. Artomatix uses advanced machine learning techniques to generate captivating images based on your inputs and preferences. It can create new textures based on examples, re-imagine new versions of textures, or quickly and automatically change the look and style of the final output without an artist having to manually redo everything from scratch. The tool is based on principles taken from information theory, or in other words, tracking the signal-to-noise ratio among different regions of a texture. Artomatix has been used to create photorealistic textures and materials in a fraction of the time it would take to create them manually. It can also help you create variations of existing textures. The tool has been described as “an essential part of every texture artist’s toolbox”.

this is only a small portion of what is actually happenning in AI world, We'll certainly see more cool tools comming very very soon.