AI Mole


  • AI, alcohol and surgery
    Published on
    Danger lurks everywhere. Any human activity, be it work or pleasure, can be a source of great problems or even lethal consequences. It sounds quite frightening and extremely pessimistic. If one is afraid of everything in the world, then life loses its meaning, but no one forbids using caution where it is necessary. And within the framework of alcohol consumption, caution is simply inherent. Researchers from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA) conducted a study that suggests that using artificial intelligence to scan surgical patients medical records for signs of risky alcohol use could help identify those whose alcohol use increases their risk of problems during and after surgery. How was the AI configured, how did the AI perform, and what new things did the AI tell us? We find the answers to these questions in the researchers' report.
  • Humanity vs artificial intelligence, could the development of neural networks lead to disaster?
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    The story of machine uprising has long been familiar to all science fiction fans, but after the explosive growth of neural network language models (like ChatGPT), serious researchers have started talking about this risk. In this article, we will try to understand whether there are grounds for such fears, or are they just the ravings of an inflamed head?